So, are you a fan of action-RPGs and wondering whether you should buy Torchlight or Diablo III? Well good news, I have a comparison of both games for you all! So I will be doing the similarities first, differences later, and finally what I personally like/hate about one or both games.
There are a lot of similar things between both games, for example they are both action-RPGs, they both contain cool weapons and interesting monsters, and there are more! I could list them all out, but instead of wasting your time with all that, I will list off the main points. One would be that they both contain numerous counts of unique monsters, for example Torchlight has 83 different monster models, and it's sequel, Torchlight 2, has 300 monster models! Diablo III also has countless amounts of unique monsters, literally! I can't count them! Torchlight and Diablo III both also contain countless weapons and armour types, including spears, swords, staffs, bows, crossbows (Diablo III only), guns (Torchlight only), and much, much more. They both have spells, abilities, potions, gold, loot systems, the similarities go on and on, but trust me, there are differences, as you can see below.
First off, Diablo III is more realistic graphics, while torchlight has cartoony (but still cool) graphics. Diablo III has different enemies than Torchlight. Diablo III has an in-game auction house and multi-player, while Torchlight doesn't have multi-player (Torchlight 2 however does have it) or an auction house. The physics are different in each game, there are more levels and bosses in Torchlight than Diablo III, the list goes on, there are so many differences that people talk/argue about, and in my opinion you shouldn't have to argue, you can just enjoy both games as they are.
Similarities, differences, you're probably thinking "Get to the part where you talk about your likes and dislikes". Well folks, here it is. I'll talk a little bit about Diablo III first, because that was the first I played out of the two. I like the difficulty in both games, but personally Diablo III seems a lot easier than Torchlight, and sometimes it's fun to have some difficulty in a game, instead of just being able to kill monsters without healing or anything. I like the bosses, and how they all are unique with their attacks and physics and such. In Torchlight I like how the graphics are cartoony, it's fun to have some graphics that aren't over the edge sometimes, instead of extremely demanding specs from high graphics games. In Torchlight there is some difficulty in it, just the right amount, where the bosses are hard (but not too hard) and the minions are semi-strong. Both games are fun, but I happen to like one better, I will tell you which one below.
I like Torchlight just a bit better than Diablo III, it just seems more fun and less repetitive than Diablo III. Which do you like better, Torchlight or Diablo III? Comment below!
Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed this comparison of two very alike games, and as always, game on!
Torchlight 2 for me. after my personal comparisons