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Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Team Fortress 2 Trading: Ruining it For Regular Players?

Team Fortress 2 is an enjoyable game, full of fun, surprises, and the occasional troll. Overall it is a fun game, but then trading comes into it, and makes it either extremely enjoyable, or extremely frustrating. If you want to know more, read on!

So, first I will tell you what trading is, and what can happen to some people that start to trade a lot. Trading is when you, the TF2 player, takes an item from your TF2 inventory, and trade it for something else. Some might trade a weapon for another weapon, while others may trade this hat for that hat, and it goes on and on. Personally, after experiencing losing everything, I still think trading can be fun, you just need to know what you're doing, and not get sharked!

Now the extremely enjoyable part of trading is when you get a good trade, you're on a roll, or you're just happy with your recent trades! For example, you could be trading your weapon for a scrap metal-which is a currency that is kind of hard to understand, let alone explain. But anyways, you could be doing the trade above, and you would be getting a bit of profit for it. You might also be on a roll, for example, you just traded your weapon for a scrap, that scrap for 3 weapons, those three weapons for a refined, etc. It can be very enjoyable. One last thing that I would find enjoyable is when you're happy with your trade, even if it wasn't a fair one. You could be trading your refined for your favourite weapon, as long as you're happy with the trade, then it is enjoyable.

The bad side of trading includes scammers, sharkers, and people that just wanna piss you off (trolls). Scammers are people that scam you of your things, for example, you could be selling someone a TF2 item for a video game code and then after you give them the items, they might block you and run off with your items. Sharkers are people that trade with people that are new to trading and say that their items are a lot less than the rookies think they are worth. If you don't know the value of some things, then they can really shark you bad, and it can affect your trading career greatly. The last bad/mean/asshole type of person that I am going to talk about is a troll. Trolls are commonly know as people that just like to generally make you mad, frustrated, or angry. Have you ever heard the term "Don't feed the animals"? Well we have our own term-"Don't feed the troll!". But anyways, trolls are people that say that they want to trade with you, but then they may make you wait really long and not do the trade, they might do other things to piss you off too. The point is that these factors have been an issue since day one of trading. It can make you mad, trust me.

Overall, trading can be fun, and it can be not fun, but if you want I would recommend trying out trading, if you don't like it, then absolutely play Team Fortress 2 for the hell of it! Thank you all for reading and as always, game on!

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