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Friday, 7 September 2012

Batman Arkham Asylum

Hey there readers, This time I am going to be writing a review for Batman: Arkham Asylum. Now, keep in mind that I haven't played this in a little while, so some details may be a bit wrong. This game has had a lot of good reviews, and it got game of the year, so it isn't a bad game or anything. I personally loved this game. I guess it was the stealth and the combat of the game that got me so into it, I also played the second one, which is awesome too, but we'll get to that in another post. This game was a video game version of the Comic Books, TV shows, Movies and everything in the Batman series. You play as Batman (of course) and you get stuck in Arkham Asylum. Arkham Asylum is a place for the criminally insane to work out their insanity. You have to stop the evil Joker from producing and injecting this venom called TITAN. This 'TITAN' is a chemical that makes humans mutate into freaks of nature that can basically kill/destroy anything. You fight a number of enemies, varying from dumb, very easy minions with no weapons whatsoever, to snipers, people with assault rifles, Giant mutated people, TITAN infected Bosses and more! The Combat and Stealth in the game are very fun, and the stealth is fun to play around with, getting to know the best way to do this and the best way to take out that guy. There are also numerous side quests, all having to do with The Riddler. The side quests are very fun to play, and satisfactory when you complete them. The story is very good, It is explained above in detail. I would give it about... let's say a 8.5/10. Thank you all for reading and, as always, game on!

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